Grandma’s Sifter is Gone (a revised reprint)

Many young people have no idea of what an old-fashioned sifter looks like. A cook would pour flour into the sifter and turn the side handle to shake up the flour and send it through small wire holes at the bottom. Not everything made it through, such as lumps that could not be broken up and particles that had no business there. But what made it through the sifter was transformed into a lighter, more useful flour that was fit for the most excellent cakes, pies, biscuits, fritters, peach cobblers, and such.

Today many people are looking for an unsifted Gospel, one full of man-made lumps and man-made designer particles. They refuse to go through the Gospel’s sifter. Grandma knew that unsifted flour could contain little particles that could spoil the whole cake and even kill you.  An unsifted Gospel can do the same to your spirit, soul, and body.
The Bible says:

“Wherefore gird up the loins in your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ I Peter 1:13

Just as grandma’s sifter has been replaced with modern possibilities and options, likewise her “revelation” of the Gospel has been replaced.  God’s Word never changes, yet God releases revelation for each age: new manna. Our grandmas never faced the things we face, so each of us must know God for ourselves.  How?  Bygirding up the loins in your mind, with God’s Word.  That trains you to be sober, conditioning your spiritual muscles to discern God’s will.  And it leads you to God’s specific graceessential for your survival.  

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, yet your grandma’s manna (revelation) cannot feed you. The Israelites in the desert could not eat yesterday’s manna; it would have killed them (see Exodus 16:15-20).  You confront unimaginable decisions in every area of life. For example, technology can benefit yet it can also harm if left unchecked.  Your home is invaded through the airwaves with bizarre images popping up on television and computers.  Temptation jumps right in your face. These times are the hardest ever to keep your peace.  So God gives you revelation of his Word to deal with technology, deal with temptation popping in your face at nearly every step wherever you go, and revelation to deal with keeping your peace in the 21st century (an age that has never been seen on the earth before).

The Word of God is your defense, your life support, your encouragement—and it will sift you to keep you in spiritual shape and shake away things that can harm you.  The Gospel is a sifter that keeps each generation pliable to be used by God.  So keep it close and: 

“… gird up the lions in your mind, be sober, and hope…”  You and other Bible-equipped, sifted believers really are the alternative to the world’s madness…the only alternative until Jesus returns.  Grandma’s sifter is gone, and God is now depending on YOU!

God bless you!
Pastor Janice Fareed Hardy